Key Safety Situation Information for Parents:
Do Not Come to the School Unless Requested to Do So: We understand the innate emotional response parents and guardians have in any sort of crisis event. However, for the safety of all students and staff, please do not come to the school unless you are specifically directed to do so through official communication from Parent Square notices. People rushing to campuses adds to the chaos and impedes safety measures. This is crucial to allow first responders access to the campus to manage the situation and keep everyone safe. People rushing to campuses adds to the chaos and impedes safety measures. Imagine how you would feel if it was because of you that an ambulance or police officer couldn’t get to the site.
- Reunification Site: In some situations, students may be relocated to an off-campus reunification site. Parents will be notified of the specific location via our Parent Square notification system.
- Keep Emergency Contacts Updated: It is essential to keep your child's emergency contact information current, including parent/guardian cell phone information. Please notify the school office immediately if there are any changes. Be sure to include anyone who might potentially pick up your student during an emergency on your emergency contact list, as only those listed will be allowed to do so. People will be required to have a photo ID for student pick up.
- Reunification May Take Time: Please be aware that the reunification process may take several hours to complete. This is to ensure that all students are safely and securely reunited with their families. We ask for your patience and understanding—staying calm helps us manage the process more efficiently.
- Stay Informed: Stay connected to the latest updates by checking your Parent Square notifications, email, and text messages. Our communication will include instructions on when and where to pick up your child.
Enrollment (including TK), Intradistrict Transfers, & Interdistrict Transfers Information
Hope School District Mission Statement
The mission of Hope School District is to develop in children the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to instill a lifelong love of learning and to become productive and contributing individuals in a changing society.
District Information
- ANTP's in English and Spanish
- School Accountability Report Cards
- Current SARCs
- Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) & Budget Overviews
- Town Hall Presentations
- District Wide Emergency Standard Response Protocols
- District School Site Council/LCAP Advisory Group
- Attendance/SARB Process
- Prop 28 Information
- Daily Schedule 2024-25
- Williams Act Complaint Form
Title IX Resources and Discrimination, Bullying, Harassment, Policies and Resources